Information on the processing of personal data

ver. 1 of 10/06/2022

Dear User,

We care about your Personal Data and we are committed to protecting and processing them with the utmost attention and diligence.

We would like to provide you with clear information about the means of the processing regarding Personal Data collected through the web site (Web Site), directly given by you, or anyway generated by the use of the website, in compliance with the provision of Art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 “General Data Protection Regulation” (“GDPR”).

In order to ensure quick analysis of the Information, we have decided to divide the text in specific sections which can be directly read by clicking on the relevant title in the index below:


Terms and Definitions

Data Controller

Personal Data Processed and Purposes of the Processing

Means of Data Processing

Who Process your Personal Data and the Categories of Recipients

How to contact the Data Controller

Cookie Policy

Terms and definitions

Supervisory AuthorityThe Supervisory Authority responsible for monitoring the application of the GDPR provisions in Italy is the Data Protection Authority with registered office in Piazza Venezia, 11 Rome.
Personal DataAny information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that may reveals his/her physical appearence, habits, lifestyle, health, political opinions, economic situation, etc.
Rights of the Data SubjectRights exercisable by the Data Subject pursuant to the GDPR
Data subjectNatural person to whom the Personal Data are referred.
ProcessorNatural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which process personal data on behalf of the controller.
GDPRRegulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of Personal Data.
Privacy OfficerThe Company department appointed by the Data Controller to monitor the implementation of GDPR provisions.
Data ControllerNatural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body, which determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; in this case D.F. Srl
UserNatural person who visits and interacts with the website

Data Controller

The Data Controller is D.F. Srl (or the “Company”), with registered office in Siena (SI), Viale L. Landucci 4.

The management of the Web Site takes place also with the support of specialized suppliers, appointed by D.F. Srl as Data Processor pursuant to Art. 28 of GDPR.

For any further information concerning the processing of Personal Data and the Data Processors, it is possible to contact directly the Data Controller by sending an email to the address of the Privacy Officer:

Personal Data Processed and Purposes of the Processing

  1. The simple navigation on the Web Site shall not imply the collection of any Personal Data by D.F. Srl.
    The IT systems of our Web Site shall collect only some Personal Data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. These information are not collected to be associated with you; however, by their own nature, they could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified only in the event that it is necessary in relation to infringements.
    The above data are used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Web Site and to check its correct functioning; in order to allow – given the architecture of the systems used – the proper delivery of the various functions you requested, for reasons of security and assessment of liability in the event of computer crimes against the Web Site or third parties and they shall be stored for the period of time strictly necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, except if it is necessary to store them for a longer period for the defence or exercise of rights.
  2. Information related to the use of cookies are available in the Cookie Policy, which you can find later on in this webpage (it is possible to find the direct link to the Cookie Policy by clicking on the corresponding title in the index).

Users’ Personal Data shall be processed for the following purposes and using the following means:

To allow the users to navigate the Web SiteProcessing is necessary in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Art. 6, par. 1, lett. b GDPR)
To be compliant with the obligations provided by national and/or European law and regulations (such as tax liabilities)Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (Art. 6. par. 1 lett. c GDPR)
To obtain the necessary information to find anomalies, fraudulent activities and/or abuses in the use of the website or to exercise Company rightsLegitimate interest of the data controller to the correct functioning of the website, to the prevention of illicit conducts and to exercise its rights (Art. 6, par. 1, lett. f GDPR)
To manage requests for information and/or quotation on our products/services, or to manage the candidacy for the job positions offered by the CompanyProcessing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (Art. 6. par. 1 lett. c GDPR)
To manage requests for qualification and access to the section of the Web Site reserved for professionals in the sector in which the Company operates and the use of the related functionsProcessing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (Art. 6. par. 1 lett. c GDPR)

How we process your Personal Data

Your Personal Data can be freely provided or, in the event of web navigation data, automatically collected during the use of the Web Site.

Who processes your Personal Data and the categories of Data Recipients

Your Personal Data given to us through our Web Site shall be processed by Company employees, authorized and adequately trained on the correct means of the processing for the purposes indicated in the section “Data Processed and Purposes of Processing”.

Your Personal Data cannot be transferred to other Countries, but they can be communicated to third parties in charge of implementing the necessary activities to provide the services offered by the Company, such as: subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance, including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks and providers of platforms for sending e-mails. D.F. Srl appointed them as Data Processors pursuant to Art. 28 of GDPR and gave them specific instructions for the proper processing of personal data. Finally, Personal Data may be disclosed to private parties or public authorities that have access to them according to law provisions or other measures issued by competent authorities.

Contact the Data Controller

You may exercise your above listed rights or ask information to the Controller sending an email to D.F. Srl Privacy Officer at the following address: or sending a letter in a sealed envelope to the Company headquarters, located in Siena (SI), Viale L. Landucci 4, to the attention of D.F. Srl Privacy Officer.

We remind you that you also have the right to lodge a complaint to the competent supervisory authority, which is the Italian Data Protection Authority. To have more information about this right you can visit this website:

A cookie is a small file that a site sends to the browser and saves on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are used to make the site work or to improve its performance, but also to provide information to site owners.

Depending on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies, and third-party cookies.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those whose use does not require the user’s consent. These cookies are essential in enabling you to browse a website and use all its features. Without these cookies, which are absolutely necessary, a website could not provide some services or features and navigation would not be as easy as it should be. A cookie of this type is also used to store the decision of a user on the use of cookies on the website itself.

This category also includes performance cookies, which are sometimes also called analytics cookies. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user makes of a website and that allow for its operation to be improved. For example, performance cookies show which pages are most frequently visited, allow you to check what are the recurrent patterns of use of a website, help in understanding every difficulty that the user encounters in use and show the effectiveness of advertising which is published on the site.

Technical cookies are essential and cannot be disabled using the functions of this website. In general, cookies can be deactivated completely in your browser at any time.

Technical cookies used on the website


Description: Technical session cookie establishes a User session and communicates status data through a temporary cookie, commonly called session cookies. Since the PHPSESSID cookie has no expiration time, it disappears when the browser is closed. It does not contain any personal information.

Duration: for the time of the session.

Name: gdprCookieConsent

Description: Technical cookie that stores preferences for the use of cookies.

Duration: 1 year

Name: _icl_current_language

Description: Cookie that stores language settings

Duration: 1 day

Third-party cookies

This website does not use third-party cookies.

How to disable cookies?

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. However, most browsers allow you to control and even disable cookies through browser settings. We remind you, however, that disabling technical cookies can cause the site to malfunction and/or can limit the service we offer.

How to change the settings for:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari

Refer to their technical documentation for other browsers.

D.F. Srl reserves the right to modify or update this information also in order to comply with new obligations imposed by laws or for technical reasons.


